How Degasser Tower Removes Dissolved Gases?

A degasser tower is a type of vessel used in many industrial processes to remove unwanted gases, such as oxygen or carbon dioxide, from liquids such as water or chemicals. The tower is typically filled with packing material or trays, which increase the surface area available for gas-liquid contact, allowing the gases to be removed more effectively.

The tower works by introducing the liquid to be degassed at the top of the tower, where it flows downward through the packing material or trays. At the same time, a stream of gas, usually air or nitrogen, is introduced at the bottom of the tower and flows upward through the packing material or trays. As the gas rises through the liquid, the unwanted gases dissolved in the liquid are transferred to the gas phase and carried out of the tower with the gas stream.

The tower is designed to allow for efficient gas-liquid contact and to maximize the removal of unwanted gases. The specific design of the tower will depend on the specific application, including the type of liquid being degassed, the type of gas being used, and the desired level of degassing.

Degasser towers offer several advantages for removing unwanted gases from liquids in industrial processes. Some of the key advantages include:

  1. Improved Product Quality: The removal of unwanted gases such as oxygen or carbon dioxide can help to improve the quality of the final product. For example, in the production of beverages such as beer or soda, the removal of oxygen can help to reduce spoilage and improve the taste and shelf life of the product.

  2. Increased Efficiency: By removing unwanted gases from the liquid, the efficiency of the industrial process can be improved. For example, in a cooling water system, removing dissolved gases can help to reduce corrosion and fouling, which can increase the efficiency and lifespan of the equipment.

  3. Cost Savings: The use of a degasser tower can help to reduce the cost of treating and disposing of wastewater. By removing dissolved gases from the wastewater, the cost of treating the water can be reduced, and the amount of wastewater that needs to be disposed of can also be reduced.

  4. Environmental Benefits: Removing unwanted gases from the liquid can also have environmental benefits by reducing the amount of greenhouse gases that are released into the atmosphere. This can help to reduce the carbon footprint of the industrial process and support sustainable production practices.

Overall, the use of a degasser tower can provide a range of benefits for industrial processes, including improved product quality, increased efficiency, cost savings, and environmental benefits. 


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